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Keunggulan Produk DAFO

Tabung merk DAFO didesain dengan ketebalan tabung plat 1,4mm yang terstandard dari DEPNAKER dan seamless(tanpa las) sesuai dengan standard dari NFPA, dimana Alat Pemadam merk DAFO ini memiliki kualitas yang melebihi merk lain karena DAFO merupakan pabrikasi atau manufacture dalam negeri. (Aku cinta buatan dalam Negeri) Tube brands DAFO designed with 1.4mm thickness of the tube plate which standard of DEPNAKER and seamless(without welding) in accordance with the standards of NFPA, Where extinguisher DAFO brand has a quality that exceeds other brands because DAFO a fabcrication of manufacture in the country. (I made love in the country)

Tabung DAFO memiliki daya saing di dalam harga atau price yang kompetitif dan terjangkau. DAFO tubes have competitiveness in price or price is competitive and affordable

DAFO juga memiliki pressure gate berupa jarum dalam meteran sebagai alat indikasi pemadam serta memiliki safety valve yang berfungsi membuat tekanan dalam tabung DAFO selalu tetap terjaga kestabilannya sehingga dapat dipercaya. DAFO also have a pressure gate of the needle in the mete as a means of extinguishing an indication and has a safety valve which serves to make the pressure in the tube DAFO always maintained its stability so that it can be trusted.

DAFO selalu menjaga mutu kualitas produk manufacture serta after sales berupa refilling atau pengisian yang berstandard karena DAFO selalu menjaga kualitas produknya. Hal ini diperkuat dengna tidak adanya komplain dari pelanggan yang telah lama menggunakan merk DAFO yang telah kami beri pelayanan berulang kali. (Suistanable Satisfaction) DAFO always maintain the quality of manufacture, product quality and after sales refilling or filling the form of a standardized because DAFO always maintain the quality of its products. This is reinforced by the absence of complaints from customers who have long used DAFO brands that we have repeatedly given service. (Suistanable Satisfaction)

DAFO juga telah mendapat dukungan penuh dari industry oil and gas seperti Pertamina, industry property seperti Agung Podomoro, Jakarta Inti Land Group, industry telekomunikasi seperti Esia, Axis, Smart, dan Flexi serta Telkomsel. DAFO also has received full support from industry, oil and gas such as Pertamina, industrial property such as the Agung Podomoro, Jakarta Inti Land Group, the tele-communications industry such as Esia, Axis, Smart, Flexi and Telkomsel.

DAFO banyak dipakai di perusahaan-perusahaan besar, dan pabrikasi seperti SPV, Good Year, Dunlop, Bridgestone, Gokak, Indobara, Indofood dll. Dimana kita dapat meyakinkan bahwa DAFO memang berkualitas dan selalu dapat menjaga komitmen mutunya terhadap para pelanggannya. DAFO widely used in large companies, and manufacturing such as SPV, Good Year, Dunlop, Bridgestone, Gokak, Indobara, Indofood etc.. Where we can be assured that DAFO was always able to maintain the quality and commitment to quality to its customers.